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2022 Report Now Available
Urban Agriculture Strategies for the State of New Jersey frames the Garden State’s challenges and opportunities in considering how to define, engage, educate, and fund farming in the more densely populated areas on New Jersey’s rural to urban farming continuum.
About the Portal
New Jersey has a long and rich agricultural history. In the nation’s most densely populated state, New Jersey farming happens in and around large cities and suburban communities, and our agricultural practices take many forms. The Rutgers Office of Urban Extension and Engagement is working with community partners to identify significant urban agricultural sites across the state, share information, resources, and aid urban growers across New Jersey. Be sure to check out helpful Resources links, learn from other Farmers Sharing Knowledge, and try out the interactive Urban Ag Maps.
Feel free to suggest how this page can be made more useful to the NJ urban ag community.
Upcoming Events
Urban Ag Zoning & Local Ordinances webinar
On April 14th at 12pm. Hosted by the New Jersey Food Democracy Collaborative featuring speakers from the Vermont Law Center for Agriculture & Food Systems and Newark Science & Sustainability.
Good Food Bucks program information session March 26 at 12pm
City Green will be hosting a general information session about the Good Food Bucks SNAP nutrition incentive program and how New Jersey farms, farmers markets, and CSA programs can apply to be a partner and DOUBLE SNAP FOR FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES in 2025!
Find Out More Good Food Bucks program information session March 26 at 12pm
Seria virtual en español el 19 de marzo
El Servicio de Extensión Agrícola de la Universidad de Rutgers del Condado de Hudson y Essex se complacen en invitarte a nuestra seria virtual en español, El Huerto Urbano. Esta seria está dirigida a principiantes, personas interesadas en aprender a cultivar hortalizas y hierbas en espacios urbanos.
Apply for your free urban pollinator Habitat Kits!
The Xerces Society is accepting project proposals through Feb 16. Many of the kits are designed for urban farms, community gardens, and other shared and educational spaces in cities. This year, the priority regions are again all of New Jersey and NYC and Philadelphia.
Find Out More Apply for your free urban pollinator Habitat Kits!