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The Rutgers Gardens Student Farm is pleased to announce that we are a new partner of the USDA Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Regional Partnership for Organic Transition, and will be hosting a series of workshops and educational events to support transitioning and existing organic producers.
On Wednesday, September 18th from 4pm-6pm, the Student Farm will host a FREE workshop on “Organic Pest and Disease Management” at Rutgers Gardens in New Brunswick. We will take a field walk at the Student Farm and discuss the multi-tiered approach to pest and disease control that will set you up for success as an organic grower. Alex Sawatzky, Assistant Director of Sustainable Agriculture and Urban Farms, will facilitate the conversation as NJAES specialists Kris Holmstrom and Andy Wyenandt discuss the full toolkit available to organic farmers.
Current and prospective organic producers or aspiring growers are welcome. This is also a great opportunity to network with field experts and fellow growers. Light refreshments will be served.
Scan the QR code on the flyer below for the workshop registration link.
Future info sessions and workshops will address soil health, creating an organic system plan, record keeping, and more!
The Student Farm will also be documenting and sharing its own transition towards becoming certified organic on our webpage for TOPP updates, via a new series of e-newsletters, and through our Instagram account @rutgersstudentfarm. We hope you will follow along!

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