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New policy allows growers with less than 5 acres to participate as a vendor for WIC/ Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP). In a webinar on March 20, representatives from the NJ Departments of Health and Agriculture shared information on requirements and answered questions. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) also provided information about soil testing.
The webinar recording is available here. Passcode: i5*gruz9
Below are fact sheets with detail about the program, vendor requirements and how to apply.
Vendor Requirements & Application Factsheet (pdf)
WIC and Senior FMNP FAQs (pdf)
Additional FAQs
- Would the authorization allow me to sell at farmers markets only, or can I also sell at an independent farm stand? Both options are acceptable, so you can sell at your own farm stand if you wish.
- Can I sell mixed produce in pre-packed boxes or bags (e.g. at senior housing sites)? Yes, it is fine to offer mixed produce this way. Just be mindful of the quantities that you pre-package since not all buyers (e.g. seniors) will have room to store a full month’s benefit amount of produce at once.
- Do I need to have both my soil and water tested? Most growers will only need soil testing. Water testing is for hydroponics or vertical farming.
- The fact sheet mentions that I need to sell at least three “items.” What do you consider items? For most growers, that means three different types of produce (such as tomatoes, broccoli, lettuce). For hydroponic growers who may only be growing greens, it can be three different types of greens.
For additional questions about eligibility or the program, contact

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